Saturday, May 13, 2023

No diet, just walk more!


No diet, just walk more!

I had to share this again, I find it so fascinating and motivating!


The Amish still farm with horses as they have for 300 years
What makes the Amish such fertile ground for study on subjects such as weight loss is because they all live the same way they lived 300 years ago. They still plow their fields with horses, don’t drive cars, use lanterns for electricity and only use telephones in a dire emergency. Their life expectancy is right at the US average even though they avoid modern medicine whenever they can…but the life expectancy of the Amish has been 72 or greater for almost 300 years, even when ours was 40 and they still eat like our ancestors did too, which is pretty much whatever they want. There is much to be learned from the studies that measure their physical activity.

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One recent study of the Amish, published in the official scientific journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (the largest sports medicine and exercise organization in the world), provides enormous insight into the relationship between high amounts of work-related physical activity and obesity. The study was designed to use the Amish, known for their physically demanding hard working lifestyle and living without modern technology, to determine how technology influences physical activity levels in modern society. Pedometers were placed on a large group of Amish farmers and their physical activities were logged for 7 days. Amish men recorded an average of 18,425 steps a day, Amish women logged 14,196 daily steps. By most standards 10,000 steps per day is required to be considered to live a “very active lifestyle”. Other forms of physical activity were also measured and the findings were that the Amish performed 6 times more physical activity per day than a study of 2,000 participants in 12 modernized nations. Only 4% of the Amish population are obese as defined by a Body Mass Index above 30, whereas 31% of the US adult population is obese.

“The Amish were able to show us just how far we’ve fallen in the last 150 years or so in terms of the amount of physical activity we typically perform,” said David R. Bassett, Ph.D., FACSM, a professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and lead researcher for the study. “Their lifestyle indicates that physical activity played a critical role in keeping our ancestors fit and healthy.”

A normal Amish day begins with Breakfast that typically includes a stack of pancakes with syrup, scrambled eggs, sausages, hash browns, bread, butter and pie. Lunch: a taco salad with potato crisps, ground beef, shredded cheese, beans and canned peaches. And dinner: beef, gravy, potatoes, bread and butter, more gravy, followed by chocolate pie. The average person would not last a week on this diet without putting on weight.

A portion of an Amish meal minus the bread, butter and desert.

Only 4% of Amish are obese compared to 31% of Americans!
Professor Thomas Sanders, the director of the Nutrition, Food & Health Research Centre at King’s College London and joint author of You Don’t Have to Diet!, says: “We’ve become sedentary. We sit at our desks all day, then go home and watch TV. These days there are more people watching sports, do it yourself makeovers and gardening programs than actually doing them. And yet if we kept our calorie intake in line with our expenditure, we could all be enjoying food the way the Amish do. In trials, there is no evidence suggesting that reducing fat intake has an effect on obesity. As long as your expenditure equals what you eat, you won’t put on weight, regardless of how high the fat content is in your diet.”

If you are not expending those calories then you are going to start storing fat. And that, as we all know, is when the trouble begins.”

The Obesity Gene

The Amish still use a Horse and Buggy for transportation
Carriers of mutations in one gene, called the fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene, present in nearly half of Europeans, are about 30 to 60 percent more likely to be fat. University of Maryland researchers decided to examine the FTO gene in the homogenous Amish community since almost all of them are of European descent. They found that, as with others of European descent, this gene did contribute to being overweight in the Amish community. But the excess weight was seen only in those individuals with low physical activity scores, mostly women performing house chores. The genes had absolutely no effect for those burning additional calories through several hours of moderately intensive physical exercise such as farming.

In this study physical activity even trumped diet. The Amish enjoy eating every part of the pig with gusto, along with gravy, potatoes and pies. And they get away with it. The Amish do have an advantage in that they burn more calories through exercise throughout their entire lives, and they are in effect nurturing nature. Not gaining excess weight is the easiest way to maintain a healthy weight. Yet at a very basic level the University of Maryland study reveals what is perhaps obvious to many: Population-wide obesity is a modern phenomenon. We carry the same genes as our ancestors did, but lifestyle changes have brought on the obesity epidemic. The lesson the Amish have for us all is that our bodies didn’t change we did!  They also eat REAL food, not ultra processed foods!


Your Walking Friend,

Christmas Walks & More


Christmas Walks & More

Christmas Walks and More

Christmas season in the air! Hot Chocolate, Hallmark Christmas movies, Lights, Crisp air, Snow some places, Family, etc. Beautiful but so busy and hard to get walks in. Below I have some virtual walks, walks in person, music, and fun!

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Virtual Walks with Medals

Ugly Sweater
Join the Ugly Sweater virtual 5k/10k/Half Marathon to support a charity that provides warmth to homeless veterans. All participants will receive this one-of-a-kind ugly sweater medal that is actually made up of hundreds of tiny fabric stitches.
Run Run Santa 2019
Run Run Santa is a one mile race that takes place in Viera (12/21) and Vero Beach (12/22), Florida. 500-1000 people will be running together in full Santa suits during each race! If you can’t make it to any of the races in person, you can still be a part of the festivities from afar and support the cause by running virtually. All participants will receive a 4″ Snowglobe medal and a full Santa suit.
Reindeer Run Over
About this Virtual Run: Grandma got run over by a reindeer, but you can still make a run for it while supporting a great cause! Join the Reindeer Run Over virtual race this holiday season to support a charity that helps send a message of hope to America’s less fortunate children at Christmas. Run or walk whenever and wherever you want to earn this hilarious reindeer-driven steamroller medal, featuring a red LED reindeer nose and blinking hazard lights!
Gingerbread Wonderland
20.8 miles

Gingerbread is a holiday treat that almost everyone looks forward to tasting each Christmas and the making of these holiday cookies is a time-honored tradition in many families across the world. Gingerbread has been around for thousands of years, but the one country that takes gingerbread making to a whole other level is Nuremberg, Germany which has the honorable distinction of being the Gingerbread capital of the world.

Virtual Walks

Walk or run with Christmas Music

Christmas Music

Just For Fun

I hope you enjoyed these and Have a Merry Christmas!

Your Walking Friend,

Walk with me!