Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Denise Austin


Denise Austin

Denise is a very upbeat person.. ðŸ™‚ I have walked with her on DVD, VHS and cassettes. She is a little harder than Leslie Sansone but has great workouts too!

Redefining Fitness
Dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle, over the past three decades, Denise has avoided fitness and nutrition fads in favor of a constant, positive approach to balanced living. By getting regular exercise, focusing on healthy foods and putting well-being at the forefront, Denise has helped to motivate millions of people to a healthier lifestyle.
It’s how she did it in the 80s and it’s how she is doing it today.
As part of this “whole body” thinking, Denise has dedicated her time to worthy, related projects: She is the Fitness Ambassador to AARP, has formerly served two terms as a member of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and helped launch the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food pyramid guidance system.
Denise is also regularly in the news, continuing to talk about the importance of keeping fit, eating right and staying balanced.

Here are a few of her walking tapes below: 

Indoor Walk

For a FREE Virtual Walk from Denise, get up and walk right now below, just click play!

She has an excellent post on her site, called Walk your way to wellness!

Here is a little of it below:

My Tips for a Successful Walking Routine

You don’t have to follow any type of guidelines when walking. Just listen to your body and do whatever feels comfortable.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your walks.

Wear the right shoes (supportive and not too worn out)
Walk with a friend (or join a walking group/club)
Wear a pedometer to track your steps (it can help motivate you!)
Choose to walk instead of drive when you’re going somewhere close by
Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible
Mix it up a bit (don’t go the same route or at the same pace every time)

Different Types of Walking

Walking is such a great form of exercise, but sometimes you need to spice things up a bit. Try out any of the following for your 30 minutes of cardio.

Power walking
Hill or incline walking
Beach walking (an especially great workout for your calves!)
Interval walking (alternating moderate walking with speed walking)


For more of her dvds, etc.. go to:  click here or here

You can also visit her site and see her new program Life Fit 360!


















Your Walking Friend,

Walk with me!

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