Thursday, May 11, 2023

Lucy Wyndham Read


Lucy Wyndham Read

Lucy Wyndham Read – YouTube Fitness Expert & Motivator

Lucy is a YouTube Fitness Expert & Motivator (with over 19 million total views) and Social Media following of 276,650 followers. Showing the world how easy it is the get healthy, fit and confident, by keeping it fun and real.  For more information about Lucy and her Ted Talk go here.

All of Lucy’s products teach you the easy way to live a healthy lifestyle, lose weight and fall in love with fitness. See her dvds here.  With a mix of over 25 different Video Ebooks, Interactive Plans & Audio downloads, see them here.

I just found her and excited to try out her at home walks including her awesome virtual walk below!

This is one of  her Walk at Home Workouts – 20 minutes

And here is her Virtual Walk!

So come on everyone do this with me!  Get those steps in.. ðŸ™‚

Happy Walking!  Your Walking friend,

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