Friday, May 12, 2023

Best Trails Across USA


Best Trails Across USA

Best Trails across USA

This page is a work in progress. I will be adding at least one state per week until I have all 50 plus a few countries listed on here. I am researching every state and really enjoying it. I do hope to actually mark off my bucket list someday, that I got to walk in all 50 states. If not in person, then some virtually. I will try and add both when I can.

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List of States

I hope you enjoyed these and will give you some ideas on your next walks!

Here are 2 videos below that mean a lot to me and I wanted to share with you. The first one, God Bless the USA, of course I love because I love our country but also because my husband made the image of the twin towers years ago after the horrible tragedy and we did it as a dedication and reminder on our site Stationery Heaven.

And the second is just so beautiful! Love you all!!

Your Walking Friend,

Walk with me!

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